With great pleasure, I find myself again in the home of a family that has become very dear to me. After doing the interior design for Tea’s bedroom, you may remember Breakfast at Tiffany’s bedroom, Angela asked me to decorate the bedroom for her youngest daughter, Beatrice.
Learn my top tricks on how to make a kids’ bedroom look bigger
We are talking about a very small room 277cm X 394cm and a cut corner that shrink the other wall to 273cm also. That challenged me during the project in making the space look bigger. Beatrice is 5 years old, she needs a workspace to draw and paint and she needs a nice ambient for her imaginative play.
I wrote down a few notes that can learn you two good tricks in case you are in searching for solutions and ideas when you decorate your kid’s room and you confront yourself with this problem I will also link a few items in order to resume your long hours of search for furniture and accessories. I have to let you know that no affiliation program runs on this story.
Create horizontal registers
My first trick was to create the illusion of a bigger space by using horizontal registers.
I start with the window treatment, choosing a white and airy drape, not too transparent not too opaque, that goes from one end of the wall to the other. I used four panels, which I shortened under the window closer to the banquets.
Because I mentioned the benches, I used two benches with storage space for toys and a simple bench with no drawer that I placed in the middle. I thus created a workspace for Tea and left room for the ventilation system. As you can see, the three benches fit perfectly in the width of the room. The light from outside illuminates the entire curtain as if it were a large window.
The top decoration with triangles and tassels is handmade! I was sure I will match the colors with the wall paintings and the decorative crown shape cushion for the bed. The continuity of the triangles represents actually the third horizontal register that together with the benches and the curtain creates unity and horizontality in the wall decoration.
Painting the dollhouses on the wall
is an idea I’ve used a few times before if you remember the Rooman’s bedroom and Kiddykat kindergarten projects. When the space is too small for dollhouses the best thing we can do is paint them directly on the wall.
Several modern shelves painted in the colors of the houses and a clock are attached for aesthetic but also for functional purposes. This way Beatrice can bring her miniature dolls and furniture whenever she wants to play.
On the opposite wall where the bed will be located, another horizontal line is underlined by the suite of shelves placed end to end. Many frames are waiting for their photos to personalize the decor.
You will be able to see that if you search my REEL on Instagram since my pictures on this wall failed.
There are only a few things left to do. The bed and the rest of the toys will be brought into the room when the Rosca’s will move into their new home.
Until then, some of our MINY WORLD accessories, fairy wings, cotton crown, and hobby horse will animate Beatrice’s room and will wait for the arrival of their new companion.
Let me know if my story was of any use to you and if you have questions related to this subject don’t hesitate to ask.
Stay creative, work from your heart!
Your sincerely,